OOTA is a not for profit, completely volunteer run organization that works together with other shooting sports organizations (SFC, OCS, OPTA, etc) to promote the safe and enjoyable outdoor sport of Olympic trapshooting. It operates the Olympic trapshooting Pam Am legacy facilities at Toronto International Trap and Skeet club (TTS) which is comprised of two Olympic trapshooting bunkers.
OOTA’s mandate is
To encourage and promote the sport of Olympic trapshooting throughout the Province of Ontario and elsewhere by inter alia identifying potential Olympic trapshooters with various degrees of inherent ability;
Providing educational information both to existing Olympic trapshooters and to potential Olympic trapshooters as well as the public in general;
To organize and promote shooting competitions both inside and outside of the Province of Ontario;
To encourage and promote the safe handling of all forms of firearms and ammunition;
To do such further and other things not inconsistent with the foregoing as the Corporation may from time to time determine;
To develop and enhance shooting facilities, training methods and techniques.

Membership applications are available by contacting OOTAInfo@gmail.com. You will need a gun, a gun license (PAL), proper hearing and eye protection. A vest is also recommended. We do not rent or loan firearms.
We have a strict safety policy. Safety is our priority. See TTS safety rules here.

Olympic trapshooting is a specialized sport but draws from a wide range of athletes, seeking a challenging, yet social sport. It is often compared to as "golf with guns".
Recreational shooters - from youth to senior, enjoying a fast paced game, outdoors.
Competitive shooters - intense training, travelling the world, Olympic bound
Sport for Life - a top choice for aging, active adults transitioning to a gentler sport.
We are a welcoming, diverse group, from all ages and cultural backgrounds. On any given day, you might be able to converse in 10 or more languages.
We've hosted corporate events, bridal parties and senior ladies groups looking for some adventure, in a safe but exhilarating environment.
You'd be surprised at the number of people with the hidden talent to compete in this sport. But you will never know, until you've given it a try.
Club & Associations
OOTA is based at the Toronto International Trap and Skeet Club (TTS) in Cookstown, Ontario, which is located 45 minutes north of Toronto. OOTA operates the two Olympic trapshooting ranges at TTS. TTS is the legacy site of the 2015 Pan Am games. TTS has ATA trap and skeet, Olympic trap and skeet as well as air rifle, air pistol, pistol and rifle facilities. We have a clubhouse, washroom facilities, and rest areas.